
SES C++ Coding Conventions

Allan Clarke

Sept 11, 1995

1.0 - Introduction
2.0 - Developer Etiquette
3.0 - General Recommendations
4.0 - Source Code Files
5.0 - Naming
6.0 - Style
7.0 - Classes
8.0 - Functions
9.0 - Switch Statements
10.0 - Constants
11.0 - Variables
12.0 - Pointers/References
13.0 - Macros
14.0 - Type Conversions
15.0 - Memory
16.0 - Assertions/Debugging
17.0 - Preprocessing
18.0 - System Calls
19.0 - Guide/Application Classes
20.0 - Design
21.0 - Test
1.0 - Appendix A - Standard Class Format
2.0 - Appendix B - Example Source Code

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